Price Breakdown
Cake Delivery by Occasion | Cake by Category | Prices |
Birthday Cake | Kids Birthday Cakes | Below 300/- |
Anniversary Cake | Designer Cakes | Starts 899/- |
Cakes for Girls | Special Cakes | Starts 799/- |
Cake for Boys | Personalized Birthday Cake | Starts 699/- |
Wedding Cakes | Engagement Cakes | Starts 999/- |
Cake and Flowers delivery in Nidagundi
Cakes have redefined the era of sweet elegance to relish at any special moment. Preparing for a grand function swallows up handsome amount of your precious time.
Flowers delivery in Nidagundi
Our mouthwatering varieties of designer cakes will leave you spell bound and finger licking. The exotic flavors with mesmerizing aroma trigger the foodie inside everyone, be it a child or an adult.
Eggless cakes delivery in Nidagundi
You will love to try our midnight cake delivery services where we deliver the cakes at 12 in midnight at the respective location. If you want to plan a cute surprise then nothing can be better than a surprised gift.
Midnight Cake Delivery to Nidagundi, Online Cake Delivery to Nidagundi- Enjoy the Most Delicious Cakes
Top-notch ingredients are put to use to create a masterpiece. Our cakes appeal to people of every age. Just visit Indiacakes and book your order of the most scrumptious delight.
Amidst so much varieties of luscious designer cakes, we grant you the privilege of creating your personalized cake by choosing your topping, base, weight and flavor to appeal the person next door. You can resort to our Photo Cakes which reflect the emotions behind a brightened face.
Our various arrangement of assorted packages includes Cake and Flowers, Flowers and Chocolate, Cakes-Flowers-Teddy, Eggless cakes-Flowers-Chocolate, Eggless cakes-Flowers-Teddy and many more to appeal you. Our assorted packages are delivered fresh at the doorsteps and retains the warmth of your heartiest wishes.
Online Cake Delivery in Nidagundi, Midnight Cake Delivery to Nidagundi- make Your Moments Unforgettable
We deliver to nearly 1000 cities in India. Book your cake at Indiacakes by completing the formalities of booking the cake and we will cover the miles for delivering the package of delicious cakes at the right destination.
We strive towards building up a reliable bond with our customers, become the part of the long chain and spread the fresh bloom of happiness with us along with enjoying the passage of delivering ecstasy at the doorsteps.
We assure you the cakes will be delivered at the doorsteps hot and soft to be consumed on the special day. Book Your order of cake at Inidacakes and send your heartiest feelings miles away to your special person.
You can book your order at Indiacakes by scrolling through our numerous varieties of designer cakes which will glamorize any party.
Cake Shop in Nidagundi
At Indiacakes dive into exploring giant varieties of delicious designer cakes which nails in taste and tang. We have cakes for every personality be it young or the person in advanced years.
Bakery in Nidagundi
If you want to send something close to your heart to your loved ones what can be best then sending Heart Shaped cakes at the doorsteps of the concerned person. The cake is bound to please the person next door which its undying charm.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do you offer same-day cake delivery in Nidagundi?
- Orders Placed before 2:00 PM IST will be considered for Same Day Delivery But Orders Placed on Occasions Like Valentines day,Fathers day,Mothers day. Diwali, Rakhi etc may not be considered for same day delivery.
2. Do you do midnight cake delivery in Nidagundi?
- Calm down that late-night craving and send cakes as late as midnight to those miles away. We deliver across India around the clock.
For Midnight Delivery Prior intimation is required and is available in limited cities only. It will be charged extra apart from delivery charges, and you can call on 020-66222222 or email us at in order to get the confirmation email of your midnight delivery before ordering.
(Please note: If your order is not delivered in the night, it will be delivered on the next morning and the night charges you paid will be adjusted in morning delivery).
3. Do you do fixed time deliveries?
- Yes, you can mention a specific delivery time in the 'Instructions to Florist' box in the order form. However please note that we do guarantee delivery of your order on your chosen date but do not guarantee the time always.
4. Can you deliver the cake early morning in Nidagundi?
- For early morning delivery, prior intimation is required and is available in limited cities only. It will be charged extra. You can call on 020-66222222 and get the confirmation by email for Morning Delivery before Ordering.
5. What are the extra charges for midnight, same-day, early morning, & fixed time cake delivery in Nidagundi?
- Normal delivery is free in which order is delivered anytime during the day from 10 am till 10 pm as per vendor delivery schedule , for night there is extra charges of Rs.200/- for morning delivery there is an extra charge of Rs.250/- , for delivery time delivery address should be inside city limits.
6. Do you have time slots?
- Yes we have delivery time slots and option is shown to you after you enter the delivery address on website , order is delivered according to time slot you select.
Areas in Nidagundi We Deliver To
- Abbihal
- Agarkhed
- Agasanal
- Aheri
- Aheri (sindgi)
- Ahirsang
- Ainapur
- Algur
- Aliyabad
- Almat R.s.
- Almatti damsite
- Almel
- Alur
- Alur (indi)
- Amargol
- Angadgeri
- Anjutgi
- Ankalgi
- Aralichandi
- Arjanal
- Arjunagi
- Arkeri
- Asangi Khurd
- Asantapur
- Aski
- Atharga
- Atukpalli
- Awapalli
- B.Bagewadi bazar
- B.Salwadgi
- Babanagar
- Bablad
- Bableshwar
- Badekakler
- Bagalur
- Balabatti
- Balaganur
- Ballolli
- Baluti
- Balwat
- Bandal
- Bankalgi
- Bannihatti Pa
- Banthanal
- Baratgi
- Bardol
- Bareguda
- Bargudi
- Basaguda
- Basanal
- Basarkod
- Basavan Bagewadi
- Bavur
- Bekinal
- Bellubbi
- Benakanhalli
- Benal
- Bhairamgarh
- Bhairungi
- Bhairwadgi
- Bhantanur
- Bhantanur (tkt)
- Bhatgunki
- Bhopalpatnam
- Bhutnal
- Bhuyar
- Bibi-ingalgi
- Bidarkundi
- Bijapur
- Bijapur Amc
- Bijapur Basava nagar
- Bijapur Bazar
- Bijapur Chanda bavadi
- Bijapur Darbar galli
- Bijapur Hudco colony
- Bijapur Jorapur peth
- Bijapur Jummamasjid
- Bijapur Kutchery
- Bijapur Laxmi devi
- Bijapur Market yard
- Bijapur Railway station
- Bijapur Sainik school
- Bijapur Tajbavadi
- Bijapur Vijaya college
- Bijjargi
- Bijjur
- Bilebhavi
- Binjalbhavi
- Bisnal
- Bommanahalli
- Bommanjogi
- Borgi
- Budihal Ph
- Budihal Pn
- Budihal;
- Byakod
- Byakod (bgw)
- Byalal
- Chabanur
- Chadachan Extn
- Chadchan
- Chandangiri
- Chandkavathe
- Chandur
- Channegaon
- Chattarki
- Chawadihal
- Cherpal
- Cherpalli
- Chick Sindgi
- Chik Bevanur
- Chikrugi
- Chimmalagi
- Chinnakawali
- Darga (bijapur)
- Dashyal
- Deginal
- Devangaon
- Devapur
- Devar Gennur
- Devar Hippargi
- Devar Hulagbal
- Devar Navadagi
- Devur
- Dhannargi
- Dhanora
- Dhanyal
- Dharmaram
- Dhavalgi
- Dhulkhed
- Dindwar
- Domanal
- Donur
- Dudheda (kottaguda)
- Dyaberi
- Elmidi
- Etepal
- Etpal
- Gabsavalgi
- Gadisomanal
- Gangaloor
- Ganihar
- Ghani
- Ghonasagi
- Godihal
- Golasangi
- Golgeri
- Golsar
- Goravgundgi
- Gornal
- Gubbewad
- Gubbewad (indi)
- Gudma
- Gundagi
- Gundal
- Gundkarajagi
- Gunki
- Hachyal
- Hadagali
- Hadalgeri
- Hadalsang
- Hagargond
- Halagani
- Halagunki
- Halahalli
- Halerolli
- Halladgennur
- Hallur
- Halsangi
- Hanamapur
- Hanchli
- Handargal
- Handiganur
- Hangargi
- Hanjagi
- Harnal
- Hattalli
- Hattarkihal
- Havinal
- Hebbal
- Hebbalatti
- Hegadihal
- Hikkangutti
- Hingani
- Hirebevanur
- Hiremasali
- Hiremural
- Hirerugi
- Hirur
- Hitinhalli
- Hittinhalli (lt)
- Hokkundi
- Honaganhalli
- Honawad
- Honnalli
- Honnutgi
- Horti
- Hosur
- Hubnur
- Hulagbal
- Hullur
- Hullur Lt
- Hunakunti
- Hunshyal
- Hunsyal (sdg)
- Huvin Hippargi
- Huvinhalli
- Inchageri
- Indi
- Indi Bazar
- Indi Road
- Ingaleshwar
- Ingalgeri
- Ingalgi
- Itagi
- Ittangihal
- Ivanagi
- Jainapur
- Jalgeri
- Jalwad
- Jambagi
- Jammaldinni
- Jeerankalgi
- Jevoor
- Jigjivani
- Jumanal
- K.Salwadgi
- Kadkol
- Kadlewad(pa)
- Kadni
- Kaggod
- Kaika
- Kakhandki
- Kakkalmeli
- Kalgi
- Kalgurki
- Kalhalli
- Kalkeri
- Kambagi
- Kanabur
- Kandaganur
- Kandulnar
- Kankal
- Kanmadi
- Kanmuchnal
- Kannal
- Kannolli
- Kannur
- Kapanimbargi
- Karjol
- Karkeli
- Katakanhalli
- Kavadimatti
- Kenginal
- Kerutgi
- Kesaratti
- Khainur
- Khanapur
- Khatijapur
- Khedgi
- Kodaganur
- Kokatnur
- Kolhar
- Kolur
- Kolur Lt
- Kondguli
- Konnur
- Korahalli
- Korwar
- Kottaguda
- Kotyal
- Koulagi
- Kudgi
- Kumshi
- Kumthe
- Kunchaganur
- Kuntoji
- Kupakaddi
- Kurabardinni
- Kurabathalli
- Kutru
- Lachyan
- Lanka
- Lingadahalli
- Lohagaon
- Loni Bk
- M.Devarhatti
- Madanahalli
- Madari
- Madasanal
- Madbal
- Madded
- Madhbhavi
- Madikeshwar
- Madinal
- Maileshwar
- Majre Sangapur
- Makhanapur
- Malghan
- Mallepalli
- Mamadapur
- Manankalgi
- Mangoli
- Mannur
- Manur
- Markabbinhalli
- Marudbaka
- Masabinal
- Masuti
- Mattihal
- Matwada
- Minajagi
- Minchanal Lt
- Mirgi
- Moratgi
- Muddebiahl
- Muddebiahl fort
- Muddebihal Bazar
- Mukihal
- Mulasavalgi
- Mulawad
- Munjalkanker
- Murdanda
- Muttagi
- Nadkhurd
- Nagabenal
- Nagaral
- Nagarbetta
- Nagathan
- Nagavi
- Nagur
- Nalatwad
- Nandargi
- Nandihal
- Narasalagi
- Narebenchi
- Navadagi
- Nebageri
- Neeralgi
- Nemed
- Nidgundi
- Nidoni
- Nimb R.s.
- Nimbal
- Nimbargi
- Nivargi
- Otihal
- Padaganur
- Padeda
- Padekanur
- Padnur
- Pakela
- Pamed
- Pamgal
- Peerapur
- Pharsegarh
- Phattepur
- Pidiya
- Pujarikanker
- Pusbaka
- Pusgudi
- Pusnar
- Rabinal
- Rakkasagi
- Rampur
- Ranibodli
- Revatgaon
- Rodagi
- Ronihal
- Rudgi
- Rudraram
- Sagmeta
- Salotgi
- Sandra
- Sangapur Sh
- Sankanpalli
- Sankh
- Sarur
- Sarwad
- Sasabal
- Sasanur
- Satalgaon
- Satalgaon (pb)
- Satihal
- Savalsang
- Shanti Kutir
- Shegunshi
- Shiradon
- Shirakanhalli
- Shirbur
- Shirnal
- Shirshyad
- Shivangi
- Shivapur
- Siddanath
- Siddapur
- Siddapur Ds
- Sindgi
- Sindgi Town
- Somadevarhatti
- Somanal
- Somjal
- Sungthan
- Surgihalli
- Tadavalga
- Taddewadi
- Tajpur
- Takkalki
- Talewad
- Talikoti
- Talikoti Bazar
- Tamadaddi
- Tamba
- Tangadgi
- Tarlaguda
- Teggihalli
- Tekmetla
- Telgi
- Tenihalli
- Tidgundi
- Tiganibidari
- Tikota
- Tilgul
- Timed
- Tonshyal
- Torvi
- Toynar
- Tumbagi
- Tumnar
- Ukkali
- Umaraj
- Umrani
- Uppaladinni
- Usoor
- Utnal
- Vanahalli
- Vandal
- Vibhuthalli
- Wadwadgi
- Yakkundi
- Yalgod
- Yalgur
- Yalwar
- Yambatnal
- Yankanchi
- Yargal
- Yargal (tgd)
- Yarnal
- Yarzeri
- Yatnal
- Zalki
Customer Pin Codes in Nidagundi We Deliver To
- 586111
- 586117
- 586112
- 586123
- 586211
- 586108
- 586118
- 586201
- 586202
- 586129
- 586216
- 586204
- 586127
- 586203
- 586207
- 586217
- 586104
- 586210
- 586128
- 494446
- 494447
- 586214
- 586114
- 586113
- 494444
- 586213
- 586116
- 586215
- 586119
- 586245
- 586103
- 586120
- 586101
- 586102
- 586124
- 586206
- 586115
- 586208
- 586205
- 494448
- 586130
- 586125
- 494552
- 586122
- 586121
- 587117
- 586209
- 586126
- 586212