The strong survive, but the courageous Triumph. This Vibrant and Toothsome bouquet will be a perfect choice to celebrate the success of your dear one. Its a one sided arrangement of Lilly and Carnation.
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Lilies are a symbol of good times to come. Carnations have always been mesmerizing. Order a time - honored gifting idea – this arrangement of lilly and carnations. Lillies and carnations, world over, are gifted for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other such joyous occasions. So buy this arrangement of lilly and carnations online for the next celebration. Order it to your home and carry it yourself or send the lilly and carnations to any of 150 cities across India. We have a plethora of customers who have ordered this gift and swear by the warm welcome it receives every time. After all, there are very few things as beautiful as the lovely combination of lilly and carnations coming together as in this arrangement. Order these flowers online and avail midnight delivery, same day delivery, urgent delivery and regular delivery too.