Red Carnation colors say " I admire you". This One Side Arrangement of 20 Carnations indicates love, passion, and respect.
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Red carnations tell a tale of deep love. The ones that we have are intensely red too, carrying their own message of love. Brighten a dear one’s special day with an arrangement of 20 red carnations. Send these bright flowers along with your colorful wishes. These flowers are a striking token of what is in fact imperative in life – Love. Wish your dear one the fullest life – vivid with joy. This one is also a meaningful blessing you can send to a dearest friend. Send this arrangement of 20 red carnations by placing an order online with us. They are a great mark of warm and lasting reminiscences. Midnight delivery, same delivery and urgent delivery is offered by our resilient team of delivery boys. Simply order your red carnations online and we can deliver them to any of 150 cities across India!